Adult Martial Arts Classes

Teen and Adult

Register for Trial Program


Adult martial arts classes in Union, NJ Earning a Black Belt isn’t just about what you learn…It’s about what you become.


The majority of our adult martial arts students started with no previous experience. They came to our school for a variety of reasons including wanting to gain flexibility, exercise more frequently, relieve stress, gain self confidence, and learn self defense. At Invictus Taekwondo we have helped thousands of men and woman achieve their personal goals in an atmosphere that is welcoming, motivating, clean and safe.


Master Richard DeGeorge has focused on implementing the most effective training methods available for over thirty years! Each class includes a thorough stretching routine, bursts of cardio intense drills, and body weight and core focused strength exercises that makes for an excellent workout!


Classes are led by certified instructors who will not only know your name, but also be focused on your individual goals.


Our classes are geared towards a family and team dynamic. The classmates around you are invested in each other’s grow and will always offer a helping hand. Going through the same journey and process together creates a strong bond and positive spirit. The atmosphere is friendly and kind however, we do not shy away from pushing each other to the limit to be our best version of ourselves so that everyone feels confident in their abilities. You will be motivated with a positive attitude by our instructors and your classmates to create a stress free environment that benefits everyone! This might just be the most fun you’ll ever have working out!


The teens in this class additionally benefit by having several positive role models to look up to and learn from. With teens becoming young adults lessons such as dealing with stress, respect for themselves and others, and making the right decisions are key in building their personal foundation.


Our current students state they “Appreciate learning Taekwondo because it empowers them with personal protection skills.”. In this class you will learn numerous blocking, kicking and striking techniques as well as releases from a variety of grabs and holds. Over time you will gain the self confidence and peace of mind that comes from knowing you are properly trained and in great physical condition with the mental toughness needed to defend yourself if necessary.


You may be surprised what a positive impact Taekwondo has on your daily life. Many of our students tell us that they found themselves becoming calmer, more focused, and goal oriented in their personal and professional life. This is why we say martial arts isn’t just a workout but a lifestyle.


The benefits of Adults martial arts classes at Invictus Taekwondo include:


  • Learning self-defense
  • Improved health, immune system and mentality
  • Reduced stress
  • Increased confidence
  • Learning new and useful skills
  • A fun form of exercise
  • Meeting friendly people and creating
  • relationships
  • Being part of a positive and encouraging
  • atmosphere


If this sounds like the perfect match for you or your child, register for our TRIAL PROGRAM.



Register for Trial Program